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Dealing with disappointment


 You can’t rely on British weather. Even (or especially) in May. And after a Winter-like early Spring, we were tempted with a few days of glorious sunshine, but now the rain is back…

I’ve been struggling with disappointment since the weather turned cold and grey these last few days. Putting the heating on in the middle of May seems plain wrong.

Of course the brilliant thing about disappointment is that, unlike the weather, we can do something about it.

Understanding our relationship with disappointment is the key to dealing with it. And this matters most for the things that matter most. To grumble about the weather is one thing. When it comes to our career, our health or our relationships, it’s important to explore further.

We become disappointed because we build expectations which reality then fails to match up to.

It’s great to have hopes and dreams, the bigger the better. The question is, do we sit back and blame others when our dreams don’t come true? Or do we play our part in making things happen, adapting or updating our fantasies with feedback from the real world?

A great antidote to disappointment is to develop a habit of gratitude for the things we have, rather than focusing on what’s lacking.

I love this quote by George Bernard Shaw:

“This is the true joy of life … being used for a purpose recognised by yourself as a mighty one … being a force of nature instead of a feverish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”

So this month, ask yourself:

  • What am I thankful for?
  • What is my relationship with dreams and disappointment?
  • What can I learn from my set-backs?
  • Which goals can I reality-check and adjust to make sure I succeed?


Wishing you success and happiness.


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